Paper Trades Report for Oct 2, 2018

Daily Report Cover

DerivEdg started posting signals on TradeAlike platform. This platform has enabled further diversification of trades. Following table gives details of the trades that were posted on Twitter and StockTwits. Other images below show varous trades that were posted on Trade Alike platform.

Our trading rules for short term trades using ATM options are as follows:

  1. Be very conservative to open an options position.
  2. Once a position is opened, be very aggressive to close open position to avoid value erosion due to theta decay or Implied Volatility (IV) collapse.
  3. Position close signal gets generated based on following criteria:
    • Day’s high price is hit OR 
    • When accumulated profit is > 20% OR
    • End of the day OR
    • If held overnight Followng day high Irrespective of gain/loss